Sa Bassa Blanca museum is happy to announce that the book, Museo Sa Bassa Blanca, The Collection, exhibition 2022 , has just been published and is now available at the museum shop. Foreword by Ben Jakober, preface by Jean-Hubert Martin, and a text by Klaus Wrede; 274 colour pages, front cover page by Francisco Ubilla Jaramillo, back cover: Joan Sastre. Photographs by Gabriel Barceló, Gastón Cha, Pere Colom, Denise Amalia Lazar, Werner Krüger, Ngoc Minh Ngo, Macià Puiggròs, Jack Mestre, Jean-Marie del Moral, Javi Saguillo.

2022 12 27 book 1 insta  2022 12 27 5858 insta


Museo Sa Bassa Blanca

Fundación Yannick y Ben Jakober

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